Community Connections, Incorporated, (CCI) is a non-profit, 501c3 organization, operating in Forrest County in the City of Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Community Connections was founded in 1997 by a group of community leaders who saw the need to pool together resources in order to promote economic development and to create affordable housing opportunities for low-income families in the Hattiesburg and Pine belt area of Mississippi.
Community Connections, Inc., a Housing Counseling Agency, is governed by a (7) member Board of Directors. The board meets once a month to oversee the operations of the organization. Day to day operations of the corporation are the responsibility of the Executive Director. The corporation provides a variety of services to low-income families in Hattiesburg and the surrounding communities. CCI co-sponsors Homeownership Education Workshops in Hattiesburg that target Forrest, Lamar, Jones, Perry, Marion, Covington, and Jefferson Davis Counties.